What are SERPs?

What Are SERPS Unlocking The Use Of SERPS And Its Importance In SEO In The Digital Landscape

The world is moving towards digitalization and businesses and brands need their SEO experts to stay updated and informed in this competitive business landscape. Every business wants its websites and services to be ranked at the top of the search engine. Whenever we do some Google search in turn respond to the search query of a user. This process of displaying a page with a list of results which a search engine displays after a user submits a query is called SERP (Search Engine results page).

What Are The Different  Types Of Searches?

A search query is entered through the search engines which gives both paid and organic results. All the pages are relevant and are identified through their rankings and search engines use their algorithm which gives a set of results on a web page. There are 3 types of searches

  • Navigational: The search is said to be navigational when the user is unaware of the full site of the URL but they are looking for a particular website.
  • Informational: The user is looking for an informational query when a user is looking for something to learn. For instance, a user is searching about how to make a cookie, a dozen websites, and a video popup that gives the user the relevant information.
  • Transactional: Transactional search is done when the user is looking forward to buying something like products or anything. Transactional search helps generate a lot of revenue because there are many pay-per-click spots visible. This means along with organic research results paid search results will also be visible.

How The SERP Is Generated?

SERP is generated by the search engine when a search query is submitted by the user and the results are generated in a ranking order which is based on factors like relevant information, rating, and quality. The results generated in SERP are done in a 3-way process.

  • Crawling: It is the process when a user is searching on the search engine about a certain web page or website. The search engine will download the text, images, and videos that are found on the internet.
  • Indexing: Once the crawling is done the search engine adds the searched query into its database. It is the process when the content is stored from a web page in to search engine index. For instance, in Google, the crawled pages are added to the Google index.
  • Ranking: After indexing, the search engines provide the results based on various factors. The web pages are displayed in descending order ranking from top to bottom in the SERP.

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What Are Various Components Of SERP That You Must Know?

The listing of results returned by the search engine in response to a keyword and the query is done by SERP. The search engines will return many pages of content for a given search query. The SERP has 4 components which are as follows:

  • Paid search ads: Paid search ads result in web pages with the help of paid advertisements with the help of multimedia elements like texts, pictures, and videos. Very competitive keywords are used in paid advertisements so they usually rank at the top of the webpage. These advertised are displayed in Pay-per-click and pay-per impressions format.
  • Organic search results: Organic search results are said to be trustworthy and results are usually based on the keywords given in the search query by the user. Organic search results often include websites, descriptions, and site links. The organic search results are often determined by the search engine algorithm.
  • Local search result: Local search results include information about local businesses that are within a few radius of the city. Local businesses should aim at setting up a business webpage or business search account which allows the end user to find out about the local businesses in need. Local businesses should focus on setting up local search which will help in increasing their visibility which will help them rank high among their competitors in the SERP.

Did You Know The Importance Of SEO In SERP?

The results are generated by indexing which is entirely based on the ranking signals that help in determining how the website occurs in a search engine’s page. SEO specialists need to obtain the top position in the SERP.SERP is often seen as the battlefield for SEO experts because most organic traffic is generated from SERP and it helps brands to analyze its competitors. 

Whenever a user is searching for a particular website on a search engine users usually click on the results which are generated at the top. So from an SEO perspective, it is important to rank the websites at the top which will increase the visibility by bringing more people into it.

How Businesses Can Outrank Their Competitors  To Reach The Top Rank In SERP 

SERPs can help businesses identify their competitors by knowing the user intent behind the search query. To rank high in SERPs, SEO specialists must do thorough market research and analyze what the users are usually looking for and what kind of information will be relevant for them.

Apart from the user search intent SERPs can show that the brands are competing at the top and it is challenging to outrank them. It is possible to outrank them by analyzing the information generated at the top of web pages and the information that they contain like:

  • Content-Type: Businesses and SEO specialists need to discover what kind of content the competitors are showing which is ranking at the top of the SERP and try to create pages similar to its competitors.
  • Topic Coverage: Businesses need to deliver crisp and high-quality content that will set them apart from their competitors. The topic of the content  should be relevant to the users
  • Improving the load time: Search engines like Google have been applauding the pages that have faster loading capacities which ranks them high in the SERPs.So the website should load quickly and have the mobile versions ready too.
  • Links: Links are the key by which webpages can rank high in SERPs so having internal URLs and backlinks is essential. Having a link to the website is essential for the business to show its services.

Time To Wrap Up!

If you are a  business or brand and your websites are not ranking high in the SERPs it must be the problem that the right SEO techniques are not employed. Our Digivend India SEO experts have helped businesses improve their websites which have ranked high in the SERPs thus allowing the business to compete in the digital evolving landscape.